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By Marisa from Doing the Write Thing. October 19, 2023.
Norma talks about self-publishing, children’s literature and connecting with the community
“I met Norma by chance.
I hadn’t been to a writing event in person since before the pandemic, but when I saw a note from the Mississauga Writers Group about an event featuring local authors at a convenient location and time, I thought I’d enjoy attending as a both a writer and a reader.
Just as I was heading out of the event, Norma approached me and pointed out the bookmark I was holding that I had collected when I walked by a table displaying her works. We started talking about Norma’s career in health care and writing, and we discovered that we’re both members of the Mississauga Writers Group and that we were both planning to attend the TD Culture Lab: Breakthrough to Writers Success event a few weeks later (it turns out our assigned seats were next to each other!).
The highlight of attending that local authors’ event was meeting Norma, and I’m so pleased to be introducing you to this kind-hearted, hard-working writer!
Here’s a short bio about Norma: “Norma Fay Nicholson, MA(Ed) BA, is the founder and CEO of IgnitePress Consultant. She is a retired RN with an MA in adult education and a BA in sociology with a minor in psychology. She is a four-time self-published author, educator, public speaker, and community advocate for marginalized youth and families. She connects literature and education to positively impact minority families. She is also an ardent volunteer in her community.” You can learn more about Norma on her website or buy her books online.”