Set in Paris, Art revolves around three friends—Serge, Marc and Yvan—who find their previously solid 15-year friendship on shaky ground when Serge buys an expensive painting. The canvas is white, with several fine white lines.
Marc is appalled to hear that Serge had paid two hundred thousand francs, scornfully describes it as “a piece of white shit”. Serge argues that the painting, created by a reputable artist, is worth its hefty price, but Marc remains unconvinced.
Serge and Marc confide in Yvan about their disagreement. Yvan, who is engaged but conflicted over his forthcoming wedding, remains neutral and attempts to smooth things over. To Serge, Yvan comments politely on the painting but admits that he does not grasp the essence of it. To Marc, Yvan laughs at the painting’s price but suggests that the work is not quite meaningless. Yvan’s vacillations only fuel the disagreement as his friends criticize his timid neutrality.
Will their friendship survive?