Don’t let money run your life. Let money help you run your life better. John Rampton
Do we have enough for our needs and most of our wants? Are we rich enough in material blessings? How do we stack up in non-material blessings?
Do we have harmony in our relationships?
Freedom from fear, failure, and disappointment, because we know we have resilience and can handle what comes even if it brings us to our knees.
Do we have the hope of an achievement, and are we shining a light in someone else’s life?
Do we trust the process of life, believing the bridge will be there if we need it?
Are we willing to be generous, share our blessings of time, money, and knowledge, and lift others?
Do we have something we love to do, not all aspects of it, but enough, and do we add value to other people’s lives?
Do we have an open mind on all subjects so we are in a state of learning?
Do we have self-discipline and can delay gratification? Is our plan unfolding through visions, strategies, and tactics?
Too many people spend money they earned… to buy things they don’t want… to impress people they don’t like. Unknown
Do we have the capacity to understand people? Do we have easy communication with them, understand what makes them tick, and motivates them?
Do we have economic security, financial freedom, and freedom of choice, time, and purpose?
If we can tick off a few of the questions, and others need work we are a work in progress. Shouldn’t we always be a work in progress, because progress is what we are after as we build our lives with purpose, faith, and gratitude?
What does a rich life mean to us? A rich life can’t be all about money because if we have no one to share it with how rich is that? Do we have friends, and people around us we love and care about? Are we loving, generous, and kind to those around us? Do we encourage, uplift, motivate, and notice a step in the right direction?
When we think of someone, do we call them, and do our best to help without enabling them? Is someone’s life better because we are in it? If we are rich in more ways than just money, aren’t we rich indeed?
It is the loving, not the loved, woman who feels lovable. Jessamyn West
If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free; if our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed. Edmund Burke.
Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. Jim Rohn
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