Keith Garebian is being honoured on Sunday, April 14, along with two other Armenian Canadian authors, at a special event at the Hamazkayin Library and Bookstore, 45 Hallcrown Place, Toronto, starting at 1 pm. Garebian is being honoured for his autobiography ‘Pieces of My Self’ and his CD ‘Poetry is Blood.’ Sections of his autobiography will be read by high school students from the local Armenian school.

On May 23, there will be an official performance of a musical/vocal adaptation of his poem ‘Siamanto’s Grief’ (‘Poetry is Blood’) as played by pianist-composer Juliet Palmer and sung by her husband James Rolfe at the Fisher Library, prior to a CD recording of the same. The CD will be part of the Fisher Library archives. Garebian and his fellow poets will read a few of their poems prior to the musical/vocal performances.