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Visual Artist
Group/Collective/ Organization
she her
I'm used art to rewire my brain after a life changing illness. It has opened up a whole new world of possibilities and experiences to me. I began as a printmaker with the help of a wonderful teacher/cousin printmaker who taught me the joy of letting loose and the flow and feeling of the world of colour. I now know that not everyone will ever be able to draw to same way and that does not matter. The heart, feelings and the the joy that are expressed in the art what matters. I use a variety of media from acrylic, pastels, non-toxic fabric dyes for printmaking, inks.... whatever looks like fun.
I am the Co-chair of ArtTrendz: an Artists Collective. We are a group of 9 artists from different countries who have come together to share our love of art, coffee, food, and life. We have shows and can be seen a fb ArtTrendz: an Artists Collective. My website is <a target="_blank" href=""></a>