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Mississauga musician Curtis Freeman is a sought after 'in demand' bass player, studio
musician and educator.
Curtis has travelled and performed in over forty countries worldwide, working with
several talented Pop, Rock, Country, World Music, Gospel, and Jazz groups.
Curtis was nominated for the 2021 Mississauga Music Award for 'Musician of the
Year' and 'Best New Band' alongside his identical twin Brother Carson Freeman with
the Freeman Brothers Band.
Curtis has performed with several award winning musicians including Canadian
rockers Kim Mitchell, Rik Emmett (Triumph), Colin James, Treble Charger, Aboriginal
Artist Susan Aglukark, 80's rap icon (and Grammy nominee) Tone Löc, singer-
songwriters Amy Sky and Marc Jordan as well as Grammy winners Paul Brown (Luther
Vandross), Liberty Silver, and Canadian singer/songwriter Dan Hill.
In 2017, Curtis was hired as bassist for nine-time Grammy nominee, Hollywood 'walk
of fame' recipient saxophone sensation Dave Koz.
Curtis is currently featured on PBS television across North America in "Pavlo Live in
Santorini" backing Canadian Guitar master Pavlo with a broadcast reach of twenty
eight million viewers.
Curtis has recently recorded his first solo album 'Postcards' due to be released in
April 2022. He has also recorded a successful Christmas album alongside identical
twin brother Carson Freeman in 2020.
Curtis has recorded on several popular albums by Pavlo, Billboard charting albums
with Smooth Jazz guitarist Rob Tardik and recently recorded two tracks for Jazz
guitarist Mike Freedman's 2020 'best jazz album' nominated 'Into the Daybreak' (One
World Music Awards).
Curtis has been a music educator at Mississauga's heralded Metal Works Institute for
more than a decade and also works with Centennial College in the heart of Toronto's
busy music scene.
Curtis has millions of views on several YouTube videos and is active on social media.
Curtis volunteers and performs as bassist/singer and is often musical director at the
Meeting House church in Mississauga/Oakville Ontario.

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