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Jeannette Chau
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Children/Youth, Non-Fiction
Not all superheroes wear capes.
Superheroes help people and solve problems.
That’s what engineers do, too. So do moms!
Hi, my name is Jeannette Chau and I am a children’s author and electrical engineer.
I was inspired to write some books on engineering for children ages 3 to 5, and in particular, I wanted to interest young girls in engineering, because when I was growing up, I didn’t know what an engineer did and that there were many different types of engineering.
Girls need to see that it is a profession that they can be in, and that ordinary people they know, like their mothers, can be engineers, so they can be one, too.
That’s why my “My Mom is an Engineer” books, are based on real mothers with their real daughters talking about what they do.
As an author, I want the books I write to be educational and inspirational, in a fun and colourful way.
Who knows what child I may inspire?!

Jeannette Chau is an Electrical engineer and mother of two children - Emily and Casey. She lives with her husband, children, cat, lizard, and fish in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
Jeannette Chau