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Visual Artist
Wanda Joann Rossitter
Wanda is a Toronto born artist. After completing her B. A. In language arts at the university of Toronto, she spent many years as an English, French and Special Education teacher. Wanda has attained a Master’s degree in Theology from the University of Toronto.
Wanda has written two novellas and several poems. Her poems are published in the Crazy Cove Anthology (Courtney Park Writers Group). An active performer, she regularly performs at local open mic evenings, most recently at Amphitheatre Unplugged, an open mic at Celebration Square. She is an active singer in many choral groups including Opera Kitchener, Opera York, and the Mississauga Festival Choir. She also dances at the university of Toronto festival of dance every year. She is available to give dance lessons in the art of oriental dance. Wanda is a fully alive, creative artist.
She loves to sing, dance and create visual arts, and has received several awards. In 2016, she won the Marty award for best performing artist of the dance and in 2019, she was nominated for the Marty award for visual artist.
Wanda has travelled extensively throughout the world. She has a family in Peel and enjoys being an active volunteer in Mississauga.

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