Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

Life should not only be lived, it should be celebrated. Osho

Happy New Year! Here we are at the beginning of 2024, what changes do we want to make, what challenges do we want to face, and what do we want to celebrate? Is 2024 the beginning of a new phase in our lives? For some, this is the year they will get married, become parents and grandparents, start a business, retire, or go on the trip of a lifetime, but the world fell apart for some, and we might be standing on the sidelines wishing we could help.

As we reflect on 2023, did we reach the goals we set? Are we better off in 2024 because of things we did in 2023, and did decisions that need to be made get made, or did we put them off? Did we mend relationships that need mending? Have we reached the point where we can agree to disagree, let bygones be bygones, and take off the heavy burden we’ve been carrying?

If we threw a party for everyone we love, would they all come, or do some of them not talk to each other, and won’t be there if someone else is? As we start planning Mom’s hundredth-year celebration, she says, “There are a lot of ifs.” One of them, will everyone put aside their differences so Mom can have all her children together in one place?

One hundred years of life, we aren’t celebrating Mom’s birthday because not everyone in the family celebrates birthdays. We aren’t celebrating it on her birthday in November. Instead, we’ve chosen the 24th of August because a summer celebration works best when we are spread all over Canada and expect some to attend from the U.S.

Life is too short not to celebrate nice moments. Jurgen Klopp

Life is what we make it, but we have to work with how the world turns, and we always live in uncertain times even when we aren’t aware of the uncertainty. Living as if today is all there is, and there might be a 100th celebration in our future is a challenge, but both of those are true for some of us, we don’t know which it will be for us, and so we must make the best of where we are now, and build a future so we can make the best of that too.

Is it possible to live a life of no regrets, I doubt it, but can we live a life of few regrets? Don’t we all regret not getting into crypto when it was cheap? Maybe it still is cheap, but we’ll only know looking back.

Maybe it is always the best of times with the worst of times around the corner or the worst of times with the best of times up ahead, and we have to get through one to get to the next phase. Change is coming, and we have to ride the ups and downs of life and make the best of what we have where we are.

Maybe, if we knew what the future would bring it would destroy what peace and hope we have because now is what we have, and now is where we can make the changes we need to make. Now is when we can enjoy the wonderful moments we might look back on and think, if only I’d known, I would have enjoyed more, laughed more, celebrated more who we were and what we had.

If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor. Eleanor Roosevelt

We were together. I forget the rest. Walt Whitman

How short and fragile is this life! Keep reminding yourself especially with all that’s going around today. Take nothing and no one for granted. Appreciate everything, do you best under any given situation. Don’t give up and keep going. Most importantly, keep peace in your soul. Mufti Menk

Thank you for reading this post. Please come back and read some more, and have a blessed day filled with gratitude, joy, and love.