Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

Every missed chance becomes a memory filled with regret. Unknown

Do we regret what we don’t do more than what we do? Does this mean we should follow every whim, every crazy idea that comes into our heads? I don’t think so, but over the years, a still small voice has spoken to us, prodded us, and encouraged us. When have we listened and been glad we did, and when have we not listened and regretted it?

Looking back over a lifetime, there are missed opportunities and u-turns we wish we’d taken. Here we are, for better or worse, and we can go forward, but we can’t go back.

I heard of a lady crying in a shop saying she’d been unhappy in her marriage for fifty-four years. She envied the person who was leaving a relationship at almost age seventy-five. The person leaving a relationship at almost seventy-five no doubt has regrets of her own, but it is the courage to take action the lady envies. The courage to say enough, there is only so much time left, and I want something different than what I have.

Grey divorce is a phenomenon of our time; as people reach a certain age they want something more, or at least different out of life. It takes courage to stay and courage to go, who has the most courage might not be evident at first glance.

Regret about yesterday takes away the beauty of today. Unknown

Courage to take action in life and knowing which actions to take is where we build a good life. We will never take advantage of every opportunity. We will not always make the best decision, and I doubt anyone gets a life with no regrets, but living a life with few regrets seems a good goal.

What are the opportunities in front of us, what are the choices ahead of us to make the best of the years to come?  Who can we be an example to, who can we encourage, and who do we turn to for support and encouragement? Regrets are painful reminders of what we think might have been, but if we embrace the lesson we can take a step toward wisdom. We don’t get wisdom from information, but from our journey, and no one can spare us the lessons we learned.

The weight of regret is often heavier than the pain of failure. Unknown

Regret in love is not loving enough, or loving too late. Unknown

Regret is the scar we carry from the battles we didn’t fight. Unknown

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