Connecting Mississauga to the arts, and the arts to Mississauga and beyond
Join Martys HUBArts on the Credit would like to invite you to join us for the opening of a truly beautiful exhibition of paintings by Thaniath Siddiqui, “Soulful Art”. Each of Thaniath’s paintings has an intriquing story behind it and Thaniath will be sharing many of these with us. The opening is this coming Saturday, November 18, bright and early at 10 am. This timing is planned to allow for visitors and family to join us from ‘across the pond’. AOTC is very excited to have guests from so far away able to enjoy Thaniath’s wonderful artwork. AOTC hopes you will also be able to make it. Mark your calendars & set your alarms. You could even come in your pj’s & just leave your video turned off. There are such fabulous advantages to Zoom!
Simply send a quick request to to get the link for our opening.