Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas
The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money… but rather a legacy of character and faith. Billy Graham
Yesterday was a day to visit with sisters, to share a meal, and to laugh before one drove the other to the airport. We might wish we had more time to be with someone but any time we get to spend with someone is a gift.
The years have rolled by and things we thought we would do we haven’t done; now we are reaching milestones that seemed far, far away not that long ago. We have more life behind us than ahead of us. Our children are now the ones starting out with young families and my oldest sister is going to be a great-grandma again, soon.
No matter what we are doing time marches on, and it doesn’t stand still for us. Did we make the calls over the Thanksgiving weekend to friends and family near and far? Are we spending time with those we love? Do the things that feed our souls have a place in our lives or are we waiting until…
There are seasons in our lives and it seems to me that some people miss the season of finding a mate and spend their lives alone. We tend to think that everyone wants what we want, a home, a family, someone to go through life with and share the joys and sorrows. Regardless of what we want out of life it goes by fast and soon we are looking back over what we’ve done, wondering where the time went, because whether we accomplished what we want to or not, time is moving on.
As we reach milestones in our lives it is time to reflect on what has been and think about what is still to come, and what could be if… Is there still time to see the world? Not all of it, but some of it. Can we even explore most of the country we live in?
Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones, a legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you. Shannon L. Alder
Travel has always called to me but not quite loud enough. When I was leaving school I wanted to travel but not being adventurous enough to go alone, I didn’t go. I have a friend who wanted to go with me, but somehow it didn’t happen. Life got in the way, we went our separate ways, and here we are. When we get together we joke about the trip we might still take.
Is it better to look back at what we’ve done, or ahead to what we still want to do? No matter what we’ve done we need to be looking ahead because that is where our life is. Mom tells me, “Don’t wait too long,” because the time comes when listening to, or reading about someone else’s adventure is all you can manage.
Facebook can make us feel everyone is having an adventure but us. We need to be inspired by what people are doing but not envious, make plans for the life we want, and know we won’t get everything, we’ve never gotten everything all at the same time, we have to pick and choose, prioritize, and plan.
We only get one life, and some of us have already lived longer and had life better than others. We might have many choices or few, but we have to make the best of the choices we have, to live our best life.
In the evening, I can go to my studio to work on my next children’s book or play with my grandson before bed. My grandson will only be this age once so I spend less time on my book.
If things got in the way of some of the things we wanted to do, but what got in the way was more important, and more fulfilling then we made the right choices, and we would probably make them again. Solitary adventure has its lure, but I wonder if it has the satisfaction that comes from building something with someone, and creating the lasting legacy of family?
The one who plants trees knowing that he or she will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life. Rabindranath Tacore
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. Martin Luther
The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy. Kalu Ndukwe Kalu
Thank you for reading this post. I hope you come back and read some more. Have a blessed day filled with gratitude, joy, and love.