From the Tim Hortons Southside Shuffle Website:
Does your band have what it takes to perform at Southside Shuffle? Looking for a chance to record at the legendary Metalworks Studios?
The Southside Blues & Jazz Festival are looking to provide an opportunity for youth bands from Mississauga to perform in a festival atmosphere, in front of a live audience at its annual event in 2024. The dates of this year’s Shuffle event are September 6th to 8th, 2024 in Memorial Park in Port Credit. Competitors will perform on the Gazebo Stage in the south end of the park in the (Free Zone). Bands are encouraged to bring their families and fans to enjoy the competition and cheer on their favourite bands. (Lawn chairs are recommended).
The Southside Shuffle Blues & Jazz Festival have teamed up with Metalworks Studios, Canada’s premier recording facility and their new online music platform SoundsUnite, along with Long & McQuade, Canada’s largest music equipment retailer and the Mississauga Arts Council to create this exciting opportunity for the youth in our community interested in music, to experience a music festival environment and win valuable prizes.
This competition is open to Mississauga bands/groups comprised of youth (aged 12-18). Entries will be accepted online only, between Wednesday, May 1st to Friday, August 2nd, 2024.