Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

Whatever it is you want, plant it, sow it, give it, and it shall be given unto you. Adrian Rogers

How long do we keep doing whatever it is we do? Until! Until when? Until we reach our goals until the children grow up, or until our side hustle can replace our job, until… That’s a positive take on life, isn’t it? Much of life is routine, we get up, brush out teeth, make a coffee and start our day. Some people throw some exercise in there, but no matter what our routines are much of life is following one routine or another.

Good routines will give us better outcomes than bad ones, and the routines in our life are setting up the rest of our lives. If our routine is a bag of potato chips or pushups before bed will make a difference to our outcomes.

Spring is coming and we have to think about what we’ll plant. We just got through harvesting what we grew last year, and if we want a bigger harvest we’ll have to plant a bigger crop. We might have planted something that we didn’t get to harvest last fall. Some crops take years to develop. We don’t plant a vineyard and start making wine the first year.

We don’t always see the correlation between what we’ve planted and what we harvest. Sometimes we don’t believe we planted what we planted, but in life like produces like. We don’t plant tomatoes and reap pumpkins. It can be hard to believe we planted discord and separation, but if that’s what we are reaping we better take a closer look. How do we plant harmony and togetherness?

This can be very tough for us to swallow, and of course, we aren’t the only ones planting so we have to be careful when we are figuring things out so that we can distinguish between what we planted and what someone else planted. It might be easier to see the weeds in someone else’s garden than our own, but weeding someone else’s garden won’t help control the weeds in our own, and pointing out to them the weeds in theirs won’t do anything to minimize ours.

If you don’t like what you are reaping, you had better change what you have been sowing. Jim Rohn

We get more of what we focus on, just like we get more of what we plant, and focusing on things can be how we plant things in our minds. What is the fine line between keeping abreast of what is going on in the world and becoming fearful that everything is getting worse?

We’ve never had so many opportunities to put our ideas out into the world before. But, we need to figure out what ideas others put out are worth listening to, reading, or watching. I say this as I want more and more readers, but I think sometimes, does the world need another blog? Am I part of a solution or part of a problem?

Content is king, and there is so much content on the internet that we have to be careful about what we are choosing to consume. Whose ideas are we allowing to come into our minds? What thoughts from someone else are shaping our thoughts? What beliefs are shaping our beliefs?

There are a lot of ideas out there looking for a home, but we better be careful what we let take hold of our minds. Are we becoming cynical of other people because we are listening to cynical people? Are we distrusting other people’s motives, do we think other people want to destroy our society because someone is telling us this? Are we hearing how the opposite sex is manipulating us, and it’s better to go forward in life alone?

Whose ideas are coming out of our mouths? Are we sure we know where those ideas originated, have we asked ourselves, is that true, or just what someone wants us to believe, and what will we reap by allowing those seeds to be planted in our mind? We are our own control board. We need to choose what we want to reap by what we plant. If we aren’t reaping what we want to reap we better take a good look at the seeds being planted, where those seeds came from, and what harvest they will bring.

We might feel offended when we are told we are reaping what we’ve sown, but if this is true then we can sow different seeds, we can change our lives, and we have more control than we might think.

Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others exists in you. Zig Ziglar

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. Robert Louis Stevenson

You can only reap what you sow. Sometimes you only reap a lesson, not a reward. But you take that with you and keep it for the rest of your life. Sow the best you can with love, honesty, trust, and effort. It won’t always pan out, but when it does, it will make everything, even the struggles, worthwhile. Doe Zantamata

Thank you for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you will come back and read some more. Have a blessed day filled with gratitude, joy, and love.