The Starter Company PLUS program assists people 18 years and over who are interested in starting, expanding or purchasing a business in Mississauga.
The Starter Company PLUS Program is delivered by the Mississauga Business Entrepreneur Centre (MBEC) for the Mississauga area. The Program is funded by the Province of Ontario and is delivered by Small Business Entrepreneur Centres (“SBECs”) similar to MBEC across Ontario. If you are interested in starting, expanding or purchasing a business outside of the city of Mississauga, please refer to the list of Small Business Entrepreneur Centres and Community-Based Provider Locations in Ontario.
To apply to the Starter Company PLUS Program in Mississauga, you must confirm your eligibility to participate in the program and attend a mandatory information session. Attendance at the information session does not guarantee acceptance into the program or the receipt of a program grant.
What does the Starter Company PLUS Program offer?
The program provides:
- Free training and business skills development
- Free mentorship and guidance
- Opportunity to apply for a program grant of up to $5,000 after the completion of mandatory training and mentorship.